About Eli Prinsen's HVT
Vocal Coach, Eli Prinsen is also the lead vocalist of U.S. Christian Power Metal band "The Sacrificed" and Eastern European Rock band "Dream Patrol". Eli has also fronted and provided Lead Vocals for bands like: Sacred Warrior, Deliverance, Aldaria, Signum Regis, Sealed Fate and many others.
Eli Prinsen was fully trained by one of the most respected vocal coaches the world has ever known, the late Maestro Al Koehn , who was trained by the late Maestro David Kyle and Dr. Robert Baar.
As the heir of Pro Voice Studios, Eli continues to teach and preserve the vocal training techniques and legacy of Al Koehn, arguably, the most beloved voice teacher of all time.
One of Al's life lessons to Eli was to "never, ever stop learning"!
So in the pursuit of even more range, power, flexibility and knowledge, Eli spent the past 30 years researching, studying and developing techniques that would enhance what he'd already learned in his previous training - both old and traditional, and new and experimental. What he has done with this plethora of knowledge is created a system of singing that dramatically expands the range of the full voice, giving a thick, full, powerful sound to the entire range. Because this system interchanges on modifies a number of vocal training disciplines such as Bel Canto, Modern and Traditional SLS, Scientific Method, Gan Tone JLB Fusion and many others, Eli calls his system: The Hybrid Vocal Technique (HVT).
My Teacher, Friend and Vocal Mentor:
George "Al" Koehn